TUM Gordon Novel and his lawyer, Jim Garrison: From: dreitzes@aol.com (Dave Reitzes)
Dave Reitzes
Subject: TUM Novel and his lawyer, Jim Garrison
Date: 12 Oct 1999 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <19991012111705.12593.00000057@ng-fp1.aol.com>
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193 Pinewood Road
Hartsdale, NY 10530August 3, 1978
Mr. Robert Blakey
Select Committee on Assassinations
US House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515Dear Bob:
Following our telephone conversation on Tuesday August 1, I checked with Bob Cutler, my co-author on the Umbrella Weapon System article in Gallery June 1978. Bob told me he left with Mr. Preyer and with you, photographic material showing that The Umbrella Man (TUM) was quite probably J. Gordon Novel.
Your news photo of him reinforces that belief for both of us. I did not have that portion of the Couch film from WFAA and so had never seem TUM's face as clearly as it appears there. The Bothun photo of him has a light reflection around his nose, as I'm sure you know.
We have a 1962-3 photo of Novel taken from the same angle as the Couch film of TUM and a photo comparison convinces us more than ever that Novel is TUM. Mr. Preyer no doubt told you back in April that Novel is in a jail in Georgia, framed for a crime he and Jim Garrison, his former lawyer, both claim he didn't commit.
Best regards,
Dick Sprague
P.S. I am still waiting for a response to my letters to Louis Stokes about attending the hearings beginning August 14.
Cc: L. Stokes
R. Cutler
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