The JFK 100
"Badge Man"

Earl Warren's worst nightmare? A grassy knoll shooter with a badge
"At the picket fence," the screenplay to Oliver Stone's JFK reads, "a shooter in a Dallas Police uniform moves into place, aiming up Elm Street."(1) It is this grassy knoll gunman, according to Stone, who delivers the shot that kills President John F. Kennedy. (See The JFK 100: The fifth shot.)
While the documented screenplay does not cite a source for the police uniform, it obviously originates with the famous "Badge Man" image discovered by Gary Mack in the background of the Mary Moorman assassination Polaroid. Dubbed "Badge Man" by Mack, the image is believed by some to indicate a hatless man in a police uniform firing the fatal head shot (see below).

Enlargement by Jack White/Scan courtesy of Greg Jaynes

Diagram by Greg Jaynes

Diagram by Greg Jaynes
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Text: Copyright © 2001 by David Reitzes
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1. Oliver Stone and Zachary Sklar, JFK: The Book of the Film (New York: Applause, 1992), p. 162.
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