In Association with

The Trial of Clay L. Shaw

On March 1, 1967, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison arrested businessman Clay Lavergne Shaw on the charge of conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. Precisely two years later, Shaw was acquitted. Clay Shaw is the only individual ever prosecuted for conspiracy to assassinate JFK. Here is testimony from the historic Shaw trial, along with other resources.


Two motions, one for production of tapes made by Alvin Beauboeuf; for a Protective Order for Sandra Moffett McMaines; Reading of Indictment against Shaw by attache of Court

Jim Garrison's opening statement

Irvin Dymond's opening statement for the defense

Testimony of Edwin Lea McGehee
Barber from Jackson, La.

Testimony of Reeves Morgan
Legislator (former) from Clinton, La.

Testimony of John Manchester
Town Marshal from Clinton, La.

Testimony of Henry E. Palmer
East Feliciana Parish Registrar of Voters

Testimony of Corrie Collins
Head of Clinton Chapter of Congress of Racial Equality

Testimony of William Dunn, Sr.
Corroborating witness for Corrie C. Collins of Baton Rouge

Testimony of Mrs. Bobbie Dedon
Baton Rouge Doctor's assistant
Employed at East La. State Hospital

Testimony of Mrs. Maxine Kemp
Secretary to Personnel Officer
East La. State Hospital from Clinton, La.

Testimony of Ptn. Mark Windstein, N.O.
Police Dept. Intelligence Division (unavailable(1))

Testimony of Detective Frank Hayward
N.O. Police Dept. Community Relations, Div.
1963 Patrolman 1st Dist. (unavailable(1))

Testimony of Police Capt. Francis Martello
Intelligence Division in 1963 (unavailable(1))

Testimony of Girod Ray, Wharf Master Dock Board
Harbor Police Patrolman (unavailable(1))

Testimony of Charles Steele, Jr.
Man hired by Oswald to pass out leaflets (unavailable(1))

Testimony of Vernon Wm. Bundy, Jr.
Drug Addict (summary

Testimony of Charles I. Spiesel, Bookkeeper
New York (summary

Testimony of Perry Raymond Russo, Book Salesman

Testimony of Joseph P. Ryan, Director of Personnel
New Orleans Post Office, Return on Subpoena

Testimony of Perry Raymond Russo, Book Salesman

Testimony of Andrew J. Sciambra
Assistant District Attorney

Testimony of Rowland C. Rolland
President (former), Winterland Ice Skating Rink

Testimony of Richard W. Jackson
Employee of Post Office

Testimony of James Hardiman
Post Office Mail Carrier

Dr. Esmond Fatter, Physician and Hypnotist (unavailable(1))

Testimony of Louis Hopkins, Co-owner of Travel Consultants, Inc. (unavailable(1))

Testimony of Abraham Zapruder
Manufacturer of Ladies Dresses, Dallas, Texas
Took pictures of assassination

Testimony of Robert West

Testimony of Abraham Zapruder

Testimony of Buell Wesley Frazier
Texas School Book Depository employee

Testimony of Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt
FBI Special Agent Photographer

Testimony of Wilma Irene Bond
Took photos in Dealey Plaza

Testimony of Mr. Phillip Willis
Took photos in Dealey Plaza

Testimony of Mrs. Phillip Willis
Took photos in Dealey Plaza

Testimony of Billy Joe Martin, Dallas Policeman

Testimony of Roger Craig
Sherriff's Deputy, Dallas, Texas

Testimony of Mrs. Elizabeth Carolyn Walton
Employee, Dal-Tex Market Building, watched Presidential Parade

Testimony of James Simmons
Employed in 1963 by Union Terminal Railway Co.

Testimony of Mrs. Frances Gayle Newman
Resident of Dallas, viewed the parade from Dealey Plaza

Mrs. Mary Moorman
Resident of Dallas, viewed the parade from Dealey Plaza

Testimony of William Eugene Newman, Jr.
Dallas, Texas electrical contractor
Present in Dealey Plaza

Testimony of Herbert Orth
Laboratory Chief of the Time-Life Photo Lab

Regis L. Kennedy, former FBI Special Agent

Dr. John Nichols, Forensic Pathologist

Testimony of Richard R. Carr

Testimony of Mrs. Jessie Parker (summary(1))

Testimony of Captain James W. Kruebbe (unavailable(1))

Testimony of Louis W. Ivon

Testimony of Captain Louis Curole (Return on Subpoena Duces Tecum)

Testimony of Louis W. Ivon

Testimony of Aloysius Habighorst

Testimony of Louis J. Curole

Testimony of Jonas J. Butzman

Testimony of John N. Perkins, Jr.

Testimony of Edward F. Wegmann

Testimony of Salvatore Panzeca

Testimony of Clay L. Shaw

Arguments over admissibility of arrest record

Arguments and ruling regarding directed verdict

Testimony of Mrs. Marina Oswald Porter

Testimony of Lloyd J. Cobb

Testimony of Miss Goldie Naomie Moore

Testimony of Rex L. Kommer

Testimony of Robert Frazier

Testimony of Mrs. Ruth Hyde Paine

Testimony of Colonel Pierre A. Finck

Testimony of Robert S. Link

Testimony of Charles A. Appel

Testimony of Arthur Jefferson Biddison

Testimony of Dean A. Andrews

Testimony of James R. Phelan

Testimony of Edward M. O'Donnell, Lt.

Testimony of Mrs. Jessie Garner

Testimony of Arthur Q. Davis

Testimony of Clay Shaw

Testimony of Eugene C. Davis (summary(1))

Testimony of Nicholas Tadin

Testimony of Mrs. Nicholas Tadin

Testimony of Dr. John Marshall Nichols

Testimony of Peter Schuster

Testimony of Mrs. Elizabeth McCarthy

Argument by James Alcock, Esq., Assistant District Attorney

Argument by Alvin V. Oser, Assistant District Attorney

F. Irvin Dymond's Closing Argument

Oser Rebuttal

Alcock Rebuttal

Closing summation by Jim Garrison for the State

Judge's Charge to the Jury

The Verdict



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1. A private company owned by court reporter Helen Dietrich was contracted to prepare the transcript of the trial, reportedly in exchange for future publication rights. For reasons that aren't clear, not all witnesses were transcribed. Dietrich's son-in-law speculates that she might not have transcribed testimony for which she didn't receive specific orders. Her notes, apparently, have not survived. One of the court stenographers also reportedly refused to sell Dietrich his notes, though he is said to have helped transcribe some of the material.


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