Farewell America

Commentary by Harrison Livingstone


. . . It was Harold [Weisberg] who launched an all-out assault on the book Farewell America, in the United States in the 1960s. "There is intense interest in Farewell America because the ignoramuses pretending to be researchers like the crap that SDECE made up to disinform the critics, especially that Pink Panther, Garrison. My taking the manuscript to Garrison and my later preventing Garrison from going ape, as he'd planned and the CIA's French pal SDECE intended, over that stuff that Lamarre just made up. Garrison suggested the [English] title Farewell America. That zany actually believed it was the KGB leaking it to him! I broke up the last effort Lamarre made and he has been silent since. He was known as an oil specialist for French Intelligence in this country, under the name Lamarre. I do not know if it is his real name."(1)


The book, Farewell America, had its origins with French Intelligence, just as Weisberg said, but the real sources were the Kennedys and Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan who was asked to set up a team to investigate the assassination the day after it happened, by Robert Kennedy.(2)

Former FBI agent William Turner and Steve Jaffe authenticated Farewell America, tracking it to President De Gaulle and the presidential palace. The book said that "President Kennedy's assassination was the work of magicians. It was a stage trick, complete with accessories and fake mirrors, and when the curtain fell, the actors, and even the scenery disappeared . . . the plotters were correct when they guessed that their crime would be concealed by shadows and silences, that it would be blamed on a 'madman' and negligence.' This is great writing and absolutely the truth as I now understand it in the assassination. The above paragraph describes what happened better than anyone else could have said it.

After criticizing the Secret Service agents for drinking the night before and for other serious mistakes, the book went on to credit them with professionalism: "They were the first in the President's entourage to realize that the assassination was a well-organized plot. They discussed it among themselves at Parkland Hospital and later during the plane ride back to Washington. They mentioned it in their personal reports to Secret Service Chief James Rowley that night. Ten hours after the assassination, Rowley knew that there had been three gunmen, and perhaps four, at Dallas that day, and later on the telephone Jerry Behn (head of the White House detail) remarked to Forrest Sorrels (head of the Dallas Secret Service), 'it's a plot.' 'Of course,' was Sorrels' reply. Robert Kennedy. ..learned that evening from Rowley that the Secret Service believed the President had been the victim of a powerful organization.'"

Who were the sources of this for French Intelligence? Robert Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

A book like this, "explosive as a bomb," as Bild called it in Germany, was almost completely suppressed in the United States. It is my opinion that in the face of the evidence and the contents of the book that anyone of the researchers who speaks against Farewell America is suspect.(3)


From Harrison Livingstone, Killing the Truth
(New York: Carroll & Graf, 1992), pp. 377-78



1. Letter from Harold Weisberg to the author [Livingstone] (November 20, 1992), p. 3.

2. William Turner, "Farewell America," The Rebel (February 13, 1984).

3. Elsewhere, Livingstone adds, "As for the story in Farewell America that H. L. Hunt had fled Dallas shortly after the assassination, this was verified to me [by John Curington], but he did not go to Mexico. He was in Washington, DC, at the Mayflower Hotel the whole time, under the protection of the new president, Lyndon Johnson, and J. Edgar Hoover. Hunt probably helped dictate the shape of the new administration" (Livingstone, p. 491).



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