Original statements from eyewitnesses to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the murder of Officer J. D. Tippit and the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald.
George Jefferson Applin, Jr.
Danny Garcia Arce
Marrion L. Baker
Glen A. Bennett
Hugh William Betzner, Jr.
Mary E. Bledsoe
Lee E. Bowers, Jr.
Jim Braden
T. F. Bowley
Howard Leslie Brennan
Johnny Calvin Brewer
Ted Callaway
John Arthur Chism
Marvin Faye Chism
Roger Craig
Barbara Jeanette Davis
Virginia Davis
Jack E. Dougherty
Robert E. Edwards
Amos Lee Euins
Ronald B. Fischer
Larry Florer
Jack Franzen
Mrs. Jack Franzen
Buell Wesley Frazier
Charles Douglas Givens
William R. Greer
Sam Guinyard
Philip Ben Hathaway
Ruby Henderson
Charles Hester
George W. Hickey
Clinton J. Hill
Jean Hill
Sam M. Holland
Emmett Joseph Hudson
James Earl Jarman, Jr.
Thomas L. Johns
Roy H. Kellerman
Samuel A. Kinney
Jerry D. Kivett
Paul E. Landis, Jr.
Winston G. Lawson
William T. McIntyre
Mary Ann Moorman
F. Lee Mudd
Gayle Newman
Jean Newman
William Eugene Newman
J. C. Price
John D. Ready
Emory P. Roberts
Arnold Louis Rowland
Barbara Walker Rowland
Garland Glenwill Slack
Malcolm Summers
Warren W. Taylor
Buddy Walthers
Rufus W. Youngblood
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